
to form fours中文什么意思

发音:   用"to form fours"造句
  • 排成四排
  • form:    n. 1.形态;形状;样子,外貌;【哲学】形式 (opp ...
  • four:    n. 1.四人小组;(套在车上的)四匹马。 2.四的记号 ...
  • fours:    参加双打者; 灯笼裤; 福尔斯; 富尔; 双打比赛; 四叠板; 四发动机的飞机; 四人单桨; 小桨划船比赛
  • in fours:    每四个一组; 四个四个地
  • a column of fours:    四路纵队
关注微信公众号:chachacidian,回复:to form fours,即可在微信中查询翻译


  1. According to characteristics of intermediate service , this system abstract trade procedure to form four kinds of service stencil
  2. On the same winding , at most three taps can be made to form four transformer ratios , but the difference between maximum current and minimum current should not exceed one time ( for example : 150 - 200 - 250 - 300 / 5a )
    在同一个绕组上最多可三次抽头,组成四变比,但最大电流与最小电流相差不能超过一倍(如: 150 - 200 - 250 - 300 / 5a ) 。
  3. To determine the position of the five stars , the face of the flag shall be first folded both ways to form four equal rectangles ; then the rectangle on the upper left shall be vertically divided into 10 equal sections and horizontally divided into 15
  4. Announcing this new initiative today ( september 4 ) , a spokesman for the commerce , industry and technology bureau said that the training scheme will provide professional it training to form four to form seven students as extra - curricular activities , with the objective of enabling the students to learn it skills in a project - based learning environment



  1. to form a habit 什么意思
  2. to form a judgement 什么意思
  3. to form a leading group 什么意思
  4. to form a unified entity 什么意思
  5. to form an alliance with 什么意思
  6. to form twos 什么意思
  7. to formalize an agreement 什么意思
  8. to format 什么意思
  9. to forums 什么意思
  10. to forward an offer 什么意思


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